Arabic Intensive Course


Start date: Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Arabic Intensive Course

This is an intensive Arabic course aimed at taking the students from the basics of the Arabic language to a very advanced level. We will begin by studying the foundations of the Arabic language and then progress onto studying fiqh, tafsir, ‘aqida and other Islamic sciences. The aim of the course is to enable the student to gain an expertise of the Arabic language and the various sciences of Islam directly from the primary sources.

What to expect?

Male students living in Medway or close proximity to the Chatham Hill Mosque should attend the course onsite.

For a student to be able to keep up with the course content, they should be able to dedicate a minimum of 1 hour after each lesson in their own time learning the content of each lesson. Students should treat this is an intensive full time course which requires a lot of dicipline and effort. Students will be tested regularly in class to make sure they are keeping up with the content.

The course will only be open for a limited number of students to ensure the education is of a high quality.

We will firstly begin studying the Arabic language by focusing on:
– Arabic grammar/ syntax
– Morphology
– Speaking Arabic


The course will be taught over 3 – 5 days a week. We may increase or decrease days as we proceed with the course.

We will initiate the course starting with the following days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The course will only be taught during term time according to the Medway school timetable. However, we may have some reduced classes in the summer holidays.


The course will take place after the fajr prayer in the Chatham Hill Mosque. The fajr prayer is currently (29/04/23) at 4:15am so the lesson will begin at 4:40am.

The duration of each lesson will be up to 1 hour and 30 minutes long.


The course will take place at the Chatham Hill Mosque and available online via zoom for those unable to attend onsite.

22A Chatham Hill, Chatham ME5 7AA


£60 a month to be paid in termly installments in the beginning of each term.

Term 1: Wednesday 3rd May 2023 – 30th June – £120 (2 months)
Term 2: June/July – £30
Term 3: September & October: £120 (2 months)
Term 4: November & December: TBC

If you are interested or have any questions, contact:
Ustadh Didar Hasan: 07534979369

If you have any specific requirements or concerns, do get in touch.

and fill in the application form below:

Once you have confirmed your commitment by filling in the application form, you will be contacted via WhatsApp.