Hanafi Fiqh – Level 1


Hanafi Fiqh – Level 1

About the Course

This is a level 1 Course focusing on the subsidary rulings in the hanafi school of law. The course is ideal for anyone who desires to understand the intricacies of fiqh especially for those in a position of teaching children.

By the end of the course, students will understand all the major rulings related to the fiqh of worship and also be able to answer questions to easy and complex scenarios. After studying a section of fiqh, the students will be trained in how to answer questions related to different scenarios and be able to apply the rules and maxims learnt in the course to various scenarios.

In the course, we will aim to cover the fiqh of taharah (cleanliness), salah (prayer), sawm (fasting), zakat (obligatory charity), Hajj and ‘umrah (greater and minor pilgrimage).


The fees are to be paid termly in the beginning of each term which is approximately £5 per week.

Term 1: Sunday 7th May – 2nd July 23: £55

Term 2: TBC

Term 3: TBC

If any students are able to contribute any additional amount towards running the school, then that will also be greatly appreciated.


The classes will only run during the term time. Please check the calendar for the holiday timings by clicking here.

Start Date

The course will start depending on the number of students that sign up to the course. Further details will be provided via WhatsApp after filling in the application form.

Taught by

The course will be taught by Ustadh Didar Hasan. Ustadh Didar holds a shahadah in the ‘alimiyyah course from Jamiatul ilm wal Huda, Blackburn and an MA in Islamic studies from SOAS university of London. He has also studied and specialised in the Hanafi school of law in the two-year iftaa course at Whitethread institute.

Location and Date/time

The course will take place at the Chatham Hill Mosque & online via zoom.
Every Sunday (excluding term holidays):
Time: 2pm – 3:15pm

22A Chatham Hill, Chatham ME5 7AA


There will be very brief assessments at the end of every term to ensure that all students are benefitting from the course.


To register, please complete the form using the following link. Once you have filled in the form, you will receive a message via WhatsApp regarding further details of the course.

Bank details for payment:

Please transfer the payment to the following account and use your full name as reference. 

Darul-ilm Chatham LTD
Account number: 30138541
Sort code: 20-54-25

If you have any questions, please contact us on: 07778020745